My favourite TV programme is a drama called The Listener. It's about a boy called Toby Logan that has the ability of hearing people's thoughts. He works in a hospital like a nurse and he takes sick people to the hospital in a ambulance. In his job, he can discover lots of secrets, like murderers, arson attacks, etc... But he can't report the criminals because he can't prove it. He starts investigating the suspects looking for proves so that he can put them to jail. He counts with the help of a police girl and his friend at the hospital who knows about his secret ability.
HeroesHeroes is a TV series whose audience reached 16 million on its first day and continued to increase in the following days. Heroes tells us the story of 5 or 6 people with special powers, product of human evolution throughout the centuries. At the very begining they don't know each other but they are somehow connected to each other. They reach the conclussion that their goal in this life is to save the world together.
I like the series and I strongly recommend it because what I love the way it was done; it has a
serious and realistic plot. Before seeing it I thought that all would be flying objects or superheroes and throwing fire everywhere.
I wouldn't have known about it if a friend hadn't told me.